Sunday, April 19, 2009


Weekends pass by so quickly! Why is that? Why do we have to work five days and only play two? This weekend I started with my grandgirl on Friday evening. She alone without her big brothers kept us in stitches. She danced, twirled, and sang the night away. Her personality is beginning to show in so many of things that she does. Animal lover is at the top of her list - this we know because she "walked" the neighbor's dog all evening. Then Saturday, was play day - a day to listen and talk to the one you love, a day to dream, a day to breath. Sunday afternoon spent with the two grandsons that live closest to us. We laughed and played and wondered why do weekends only last two days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog has a new look! I love it! If anyone fills you in on the reason for short weekends, please share the answer! As I sit here, wondering why I even thought I could go out of town and come home and get a weekend worth of work done in one evening makes me wonder why a weekend is only 2 days!