Friday, January 2, 2009

Teaching...Beginning Again...

As I anticipate a new semester, I am amazed at how empty the room looks without the children. The desks are sitting in perfect groups, no crayons or paper on the floor. No voices lingering in the air or questions waiting for answers. A new semester, a new chance to do a better job.

How I love teaching! I'm almost as excited as the children when school is about to begin. It is so wonderful to have a "do over" and to try to hone your craft so that you can become the type of teacher you set out to be in the beginning. As much I as I love teaching the day to day grind of constant interruptions, too little time, too much paperwork and too many external influences makes the position more difficult each year. I'm so thankful that I love it, but understand why people leave the profession prematurely. Teaching is such hard work - but, oh so rewarding.

I'm looking forward to a student teacher this semester. That is always interesting and such a great opportunity to gain that ol' enthusiasm and pass along a love for this profession.